MSI Geforce RTX 3070 Ventus 3X 8 gb OC Edition USADA FULL BOX

$ 349.999,00


1 Cuota $ 386.748,90
Cuota Simple 3 3 cuotas de $ 136.499,61
$ 409.498,83
Cuota Simple 6 6 cuotas de $ 73.499,79
$ 440.998,74

Visa Débito

Débito $ 386.748,90


1 Cuota $ 386.748,90
Cuota Simple 3 3 cuotas de $ 136.499,61
$ 409.498,83
Cuota Simple 6 6 cuotas de $ 73.499,79
$ 440.998,74

Mastercard Débito

Débito $ 386.748,90

Tarjeta Naranja

1 Cuota $ 386.748,90
Plan Zeta 3 cuotas de $ 138.832,94
$ 416.498,81
6 cuotas 6 cuotas de $ 77.583,11
$ 465.498,67
10 cuotas 10 cuotas de $ 50.749,86
$ 507.498,55
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SKU: RTX 3070 Ventus 3X OC
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